Oasis Thanksgiving Bags
“Oasis Thanksgiving Bags” is an annual appeal to restock the Oasis Social Ministries’ Pantry shelves prior to the holidays so that they will be able to provide Thanksgiving Dinner baskets to those in need. Below is the food drive list. If you decide to provide a turkey/ham, Oasis has asked that they be smaller turkey/hams because they do not have the freezer space for larger ones. Bags will be distributed after mass on October 19/20. Please return your filled grocery bags during our food drive on Sunday, November 3 from 12 p.m. – 2 p.m. Thank you for all that you do!
If you prefer to do a monetary donation…
Help Us Bring Thanksgiving to the Table! We know life is busy, and sometimes it’s hard to find the time to shop or make a drop-off. But you can still make a huge difference in the lives of families this holiday season! $40 provides a full Thanksgiving meal for a family of four. $15 purchases a turkey for a family to enjoy. Your donation goes directly towards ensuring that our neighbors can share a holiday meal with loved ones. Make a donation today and help us bring the warmth and comfort of Thanksgiving to those in need! https://oasissocialministry.org/how-to-help/#donate-now Thank you for your support—we can’t do it without you!