Parish Life of the Church of St. Thérèse” Questionnaire

In preparation for the Parish Pastoral Council Planning Retreat, Father Rolo desires that parishioners be afforded the opportunity to complete a “Parish Life of the Church of St. Thérèse” Questionnaire.  This will provide us valuable input as the Council gathers at the retreat to plan our parish focus and initiatives for the coming year. Copies of the questionnaire will be available at the Information Desk in the Commons from August 17th through September 1st.  Please submit your completed questionnaire in the collection box at the Information Desk no later than Sunday, September 1stYou can also access a copy of the questionnaire for submission at the Information Desk by clicking HEREIf you have any questions, please contact Marty Vozzo at [email protected].  Thank you for your assistance in this vital work of your Parish Pastoral Council.