Faith Formation activities are held three times a month starting in September and ending in the spring. All ages are welcome! Interest in participating as a catechist or assistant for some or all meetings is welcome and encouraged. For more information, refer to the weekly email/bulletin, call the office, or contact Deacon Bubba Allen.

Sacrament of Baptism
Parents seeking Baptism for a child under the age of 7 must have completed our parish registration process and attended a parent information session prior to the Baptism of their child. Call Jessica Robusto Salmons for more information. Children who are age 8 or older who are not baptized or who are baptized in another Christian denomination enter into a catechumenate process similar to that celebrated by adults. Parents of these children should contact Deacon Bubba Allen

Sacrament of Confirmation
In the Diocese of Richmond, preparation begins in grade 10 or above. For more information, contact Jessica Robusto Salmons.

First Eucharist
In the Diocese of Richmond, First Eucharist is typically prepared for and first celebrated in the second grade or later. Preparation for First Reconciliation must take place before preparation for First Eucharist. For more information, contact Jessica Robusto Salmons.

Sacrament of Reconciliation
Saturdays before vigil at 3:30 p.m. or by appointment. Contact Fr. Rolo Castillo to make an appointment.

Anointing of the Sick/Ministry of Care
To arrange for Anointing of the Sick or Communion when someone is ill, in need of help, or in the hospital, call the office at (757) 488-2553. Please note: the privacy rules do not allow the hospital to contact the parish.

Sacrament of Marriage
Registered parishioners must contact the parish at least 6 months in advance of making plans for their marriage. Contact Fr. Rolo Castillo.

Sacrament of Holy Orders
Like Marriage, the Sacrament of Holy Orders belongs to the Sacraments at the Service of Communion. This means they are primarily directed toward the salvation of others. In addition to ordained orders (deacons, priests, and bishops), women and men may also enter into vowed religious orders, where they live in community with others of their order. If you are considering a vocation to religious life, or just want to know more, you might want to visit the Diocese of Richmond Office of Vocations website: “Behind The Collar, an inside look at life as a priest”, or Contact Fr. Michael Boehling, Vicar for Vocations, Diocese of Richmond at (804) 359-5661 or [email protected]

Order of Christian Initiation for Adults (OCIA)

Formerly known as RCIA, the Order of Christian Initiation for Adults (people age 8 and older), is the process by which a person is prepared to live as a Catholic and fully received into the Church. A year-round cycle of initiation begins in late summer with a first interest meeting in late August or early September. Meetings are open to anyone who wants to learn more about the Catholic faith. All are welcome, from the curious to the lifelong Catholic.

In OCIA terms, unbaptized persons are called ‘inquirers’ until they declare an intention to prepare for the Sacraments of Initiation. They are called ‘catechumens’ after this declaration and accepted into the Order of Catechumens. The parish provides catechists and sponsors to guide the catechumens through the Rite of Election (held the first Sunday of Lent) where they become the ‘Elect’ as they prepare for the sacraments of Baptism, Confirmation, and Eucharist at the following Easter Vigil.

Persons who wish to become Catholic who have already been baptized with water and according to the Trinitarian formula are not baptized again. Instead, preparation to be received into the Catholic Church will depend on the individual’s needs. Confirmation will be scheduled when the candidate is ready.

For more information, contact the OCIA Coordinator, Paul Garrity, or Deacon Bubba Allen. Parishioners who feel called to live their baptismal promise by journeying with a catechumen or candidate as a sponsor are especially encouraged to attend meetings and join our discussions.

The Catholic Diocese of Richmond is committed to ensuring that diocesan institutions and ministries provide a safe and nurturing environment for children, young people, and vulnerable individuals. The mission of the Child Protection/Safe Environment Program is to create a safe environment consistently incorporating the standards as outlined in the Charter for the Protection of Children and Young People. In accordance with the United States Conference of Catholic Bishop’s Charter for the Protection of Children and Young People all diocesan employees, clergy, religious, teachers, staff, and all volunteers who regularly or routinely work with children or youth participate in a Protecting God’s Children for Adults training session.

For more information about training sessions, contact Megan Malhiot.

VIRTUS provides online accounts to keep track of your training records and access to monthly training bulletins.

VIRTUS online