Norton News


The collection of donated household items which are shipped to Norton, VA twice a year is amazing!  Sometimes there is a request for a pick up twice a week.  There is a small group of dedicated folks who do these pick ups, but let’s not wear them out.  There are plenty of others who could help.  You know, “More hands make a lighter load!”

          Calling all able bodied folks who are willing to join the team; be on call.  Whenever there’s a request for a pick up you’d be asked if you are available.  If you have a pickup or a trailer that’s a plus but not required.  The job entails going to the home of the donor, loading up their donations then taking them to the storage facility.  Usually doesn’t take more than an hour of your time. 

         We do this because Matthew’s gospel 25:40 tells us – “…whatever you did for one of these least brothers of mine, you did for me.”
         If you are interested in joining the team, please call or text Kathy at 757 376-7160. 

Have gently used clothing, furniture, household items, etc.?  You can donate them to our Norton Ministry!!  If you have questions or donations please call Kathy at 757 376-7160.  We will be sending another truck load in October.