There are many opportunities to serve, share, and socialize at St. Therese!
Ushers/Collectors ✣ Greeters ✣ Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion ✣ Garden & Ground Beautification ✣ Children’s Liturgy of the Word ✣ Music Ministers {Cantors & Instrumental Ensemble} ✣ Proclaimers ✣ Altar Linens ✣ Altar Servers ✣ Safety & Security
Centering Prayer Group ✣ Word of Life ✣ Ladies’ Scripture Sharing Group ✣ Sacramental Preparation {Baptism, First Reconciliation, First Eucharist, Confirmation, Christian Initiation} ✣ Vacation Bible School ✣ Youth Ministry {Scouts, Youth Group}
Justice and Peace
Angel Tree Prison Ministry ✣ Haitian Outreach ✣ Homeless Shelter ✣ Pastoral Care of the Sick ✣ Norton Appalachian Ministry ✣ Oasis Social Ministry ✣ HER Shelter ✣ Thanksgiving Food Collection
Community Life
Leadership Councils {Pastoral Council & Finance Council} ✣ Buildings & Grounds ✣ Community Life Committee ✣ Hospitality ✣ Information Desk Greeters ✣ Ladies of St. Thérèse ✣ Men of St. Thérèse (M.O.S.T.) ✣ Nifty-Over-Fifties ✣ Office Ministries ✣ Red Cross Blood Drives ✣ VIRTUS Training Session Coordinators
If you have questions concerning any of the ministries or would like further information, please refer to the
parish contact list, or contact the church office at (757) 488-2553 | [email protected].
Meeting Times